
I have always had issues with the breathing part of any yoga, dance, or exercise class I ever took.  I hate loud breathers in general (in life, in the real world, I mean) and I often ask people around me whom I ‘hear’ breathing (because it drives me to TOTAL distraction) if it is necessary for them to breathe quite that loud.  So you can imagine my discomfort in a yoga class where a room full of people (a room with not so great ventilation, sweaty and stuffy….) start exhaling staccato in unison sh! sh! sh! sh! sh!  Oh what disgusting bullshit is THIS??  PLEASE!  Likewise with the audible HAAAaaaaa~~~~~! or Darth Vader KKHHHHHHHHHH.   KHHHHHHHHHH.  As though they are dying of a heart attack.  I should be so lucky.

But you know what they say about the lessons the universe tries to teach you – if you don’t learn something, it will just come back to you.  Again and again. And again.  And so here I am, after 20 years of resisting this, starting to just maybe accept that breathing the ‘right way’ might help me. Somehow.  I’m not saying I’m going to be all Sh! Sh! KKHHHHHHH HAAAaaaaa!!! but maybe breathing can help my movement, increase organ function, deliver a healthier supply of oxygen to every muscle in the body, improve my metabolism, help with my balance, boost my immune system, and cover that embarrassing bald spot. remove stains. slice and dice.  I don’t know….

So if anyone out there knows of… a good way to breathe?  or can tell me something about breathing – I’m listening now!!  HAAaaa~~~!

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